Is consciousness energy reddit

Is consciousness energy reddit. “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Human consciousness is something else entirely. Other organisms can also be included as conscious in this definition. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Only consciousness can produce other consciousnesses. Sitting on a floor, tripping on mushrooms, listening to Jimi Hendrix in a rustic house in KY will certainly make you feel like you are indeed alive during the 60's. For the Christian, consciousness is a result of an immaterial soul. Our brains are like the antenna receiving these signals This chemical energy is stored in the cells and is released as heat and other forms of chemical energy as your body decomposes. His explanation in the report is lacking, so I’d like to find the actual source. Hey! I've been really into learning more about hindiusm, it's deities and "energy-system", so to speak. This literally means that energy and mass are the same thing in different forms. " Given what we know about consciousness, energy, vibration, and frequencies how do you think frequency can be used medically to heal people and remove disease/illness from the body? But I watched a Ted talk dennett gave about consciousness being an illusion, and yet all of his examples were how our brain can get fooled by illusions in the contents of consciousness, which seemed not to be hitting at the issue of consciousness itself being an illusion, so I hope his book is clearer about this than the talk was. But I still can't get myself to believe in it completely. The Virtual Experience Model, an Overview. Energy creates, stores and retrieves meaning in the universe by projecting or expanding at certain frequencies in a three-dimensional mode that creates a living pattern called a hologram. Einstein said "everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Consciousness energy and technological interface. There is only one kind of consciousness and that is Perfect Eternal Conscious Energy. Thanks. And matter (either mass or energy) can never be created or destroyed. The description of energy totally at rest in infinity fits the Christian metaphysical concept of the Father while the infinite self consciousness resident in that energy providing the motive force of will to bring a portion of that energy into motion to create reality corresponds with the Son. This emotional energy animates us to do things like seek experiences. If consciousness is a property of matter, it must have been there from the very beginning because non-living matter cannot will itself to be conscious. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent Sep 15, 2016 · And just like dark matter and dark energy have been used to fill some otherwise gaping holes in the standard model of physics, researchers have also proposed that it's possible to consider consciousness as a new state of matter. ” This figure is not cited, and I don’t recognize it from anywhere. It has been said the humans are descendants of mycelium and if you look at the the neural network of mycelium, it isn’t much different than our own brain’s neural network. I believe to some degree it coincidences with mine. Consciousness is a complex arrangement of that energy in such a way that we are capable of contemplating our own existence, manipulating the world around us to our benefit, and learning from both history and the mistakes of others without having to personally To say that consciousness is something other than what matter is would be akin to alchemy; producing something entirely different from what we start of from. But, with infinity, it's likely all of the mentioned exists. Except mine focuses more on spiritual energy or light. The way that your consciousness controls various "random" resolutions is how you link up synapses and ultimately move muscles. And if all matter is energy, consciousness is also energy which cannot be created or destroyed. Welcome to the home of Hasbro's Marvel Legends on Reddit! This is THE place for all things MARVEL LEGENDS: news, discussions, release dates, first-looks, photography, displays, customs, Haslab, kit-bashes and anything else related to this incredible line. Because it is literally energy. Dr Hawkins mapped out human behavior into different levels of consciousness. Albert Einstein said that "future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. Energy, our physics is now beginning to realize, can be transformed into matter. **A community dedicated to discussing alien life. When I drop a rock it gains energy, so does it become conscious while it's falling? Batteries hold a lot of energy, are batteries conscious? Aug 11, 2022 · Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. What we call matter is just very dense bits of energy wiggling around each other. Energy and consciousness stealing Hi, I am girl,so strange things has happened to me I will put it like this. Does it pose a problem for panpsychism? For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. To say consciousness is a higher energy state on it's own is meaningless. Debrief all three and compare data gathered from the three points of view. Cognition does require energy, and a lot of it. It is not matter that produces consciousness, but quite the opposite. The universe "began" as disorganized energy which then condensed into disorganized mass. Edit: Also yes, there are things which exist and we don't understand yet. Everything is energy when you get right down to it. If you read interviews with child sex abusers, they all have very similar stories; history of abuse as children, a growing compulsion to abuse others, etc. I have gained fleeting moments of this during certain altered states of consciousness, especially in tandem with music. If they are not made by some guru who also sells chakra energy stones, i'd happily read about those theories. But there is no indication that human consciousness is some discrete unit or form of energy (in fact its pretty obvious its not). I tend to find the forces and matter we observe in the physical to be merely illusory and I guess this is why my model uses the core energies of creation which are love (energy) and light (information). I have just discovered this (asshole) but he seems to have some following. The only one who can be experiencing this mortal existence is an eternal consciousness>> YOU. ” - Bill Hicks. " The idea in my mind is that dark matter, the ominous name given t this thing that no one can measure or actually detect, may actually be consciousness itself is a fascinating idea to me. Beyond that you have Reddit and subreddits like r/nonduality, r/nondualism, r/Buddhism, r/Awakening, r/spirituality, r/InternalFamilySystems etc. Considering how everything is just energy manifested, the way I perceive it is consciousness is the same, thus proving that our individual consciousness come from (perhaps) a collective realm of pure consciousness or just a specific energy type transmitted from the universe to earth. If energy can never die, and energy and mass are the same thing in different forms, science suggests that when we die, our consciousness transforms into a different state. Its individual components like the brain require energy to function, but it isn't itself a form of energy. It's one part of the equation and we don't even know if it's true given our limited ability to perceive scales of time and size. Firstly, if both vibrate in green ray there will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer, the negative or female, as you call it, drawing the energy from the roots of the beingness up through the energy centers, thus being physically revitalized; the positive, or male polarity, as it is deemed in your illusion, finding in this energy There's not really any definition of energy or human consciousness that line up. ' 'Consciousness is experiencing itself. They are all one and the same "thing". They can tune into the same target on different planes (dimensions) with greater effectiveness. The atom's nucleus has a lot of kinetic energy moving around; it needs to be balanced by an equal potential energy to keep the nucleus together. Energy is a physically observable, measurable factor of matter. Then mass organized into processes and organisms which are now organizing energy. Reply reply Consciousness is an energy field. So a search tells me that the seat of our consciousness, our brain, uses about 20% of our daily energy budget. ' 'Consciousness is consciousness experiencing itself as consciousness. It hasn't manifested. The next evolution of human consciousness appears to be what some call enlightenment…or the point at which consciousness finally is able to become aware of itself. This is "quantum randomness" or whatever such they are calling it these days. By Total Energy, I mean the sum of Kinetic and Potential energies. This does not automatically include the… If we truly exist beyond our bodies in the form of disembodied energy or pure consciousness, then would it contain memories of who we once were? Or would it just be a “thing”? Would it even be able to perceive the world around it as we currently do? This is efficient caloric intake or the heat energy. As I take it, where these views are taken to be views about consciousness (you could alternatively, say, have a view about predictive processing as a theory of brain computations, while maybe endorsing some other kind of view about consciousness perhaps if you're a dualist who is attracted to these models, or things like this), the idea is that consciousness just is the kind of generative Humans waste excess energy converting excess consumption into excess waste; Humans eat too much, sleep too much, and consume far too much junk chemicals. There are so many who want to find and connect to the universe, which makes us want to think we In the Great Consciousness, love is the gravity that holds everything together, the light that dispels all darkness, and the melody that turns chaos into order, the energy that fuels every thought, the essence that defines every being. “The scientist in [him]” is failing to recognize that while energy can’t be created or destroyed, there’s no logical reason that our sense of self, which he is conflating with consciousness, is a single form of energy that will continue on after death. If Consciousness is primary and not mass/energy, then what from a materialistic point of view are “illusory” mechanisms of contact might be more “real” than physical encounters. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process. The Creation Energy is squandered, but not lost, it is spent on the creation of corruption and defilement. So consciousness fits perfectly into energy/matter and it can be seen how it is as essential to universe as energy and matter is. I know manifestation is true and it works too, I've experienced it. I think because we don't know the exact nature of consciousness make it's a topic of woo like some want to make it. It cannot partition itself; cannot clone itself; cannot split itself into soul/mortal. Now, from what I’ve seen, especially with myself is this. Consciousness is clarity, and it’s important because that’s where everything a human can do in which creates an experience that effect others and the environment. I don't see any circular argument in the mass and energy argument, in my opinion. If - when, in my book - consciousness is instantiated on silicon, or some other medium, it will act as proof that consciousness is a weakly emergent property of complexity in evolved/designed mechanisms. Which part of cognition is consciousness, and the proportion of the brain's energy that it uses, is not known. Just as it is true that all bullies were once bullied, nearly all child molesters were molested as children themselves. Lastly, if a post violates either the rules of r/consciousness or Reddit's site-wide rules, please remember to report such posts. Sep 25, 2023 · The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. It's a food for our creative thought and action. Mass is the Total Energy/C^2. E=Mc 2 means energy is equal to mass multiplied by a constant squared. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. In Chi Kung practice, one learns to connect to the earth and draw energy from it. One of the most important open questions in science is how our This consciousness then continues to evolve over eons into evermore aware forms of conscious matter culminating at this point in the big bang as you. In Wayne’s CIA report, on page 10, there’s a picture of the “consciousness energy grid. Briefly, each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with determinable human behaviors and perceptions about life. This emotional energy is spirit. ] and reverse engineered NHI The brain uses a lot of the organism's energy, and recently research in neuroscience has turned towards the energy metabolism in the neocortex. For the past 3-4 days my energy has been uplifted and vibing high like as if I don't have to worry about my employment, I have been trying to manifest a specific job for some weeks now. Human consciousness could quite easily turn into heat or some other form of lame energy, while the planet gets lots of energy from our star, and we can make new human consciousness with that energy. I think consciousness is just a very specific chain reaction of matter and energy that has been arranged into a complex form, no matter what specifically that arrangement is composed of. ' 'Consciousness is matter experiencing itself as matter. I started to like this boy but I felt like he is stealing my energy and I was right. but hell, i study psychology and have a deep understanding of current literature, but i never heard of a flowing consciousness. Just yesterday I watched an interesting clip where a cognitive researcher discussed how an fMRI can measure the blood flow to specific areas of the brain when we are thinking, the blood carrying the necessary oxygen to produce the energy needed. That’s funny but not surprising. Really interesting theory. The universe "ends" when all energy (consciousness) is organized. Perhaps God, source consciousness, created the construct of creation and our consciousness housing beings in order to fulfill a desire for a great deal of experiences for a great deal of The description of energy totally at rest, in infinity fits the Christian metaphysical concept of the Father while the infinite self-consciousness resident in that energy providing the motive force of will to bring a portion of that energy into motion to create reality corresponds with the Son. And I recently learned about Shiva and Shakti, and their relationship with eachother (not being able to exist without one another, etc, and Shiva representing the masculine principle of Consciousness, and Shakti representing the feminine principle of Energy). there will be a sub for whatever you need. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field. General consciousness, or collective consciousness, or a single consciousness that we are all part of, I am not sure if any of those exist. Neither has 'Consciousness is information experiencing itself as energy. Is this Wayne’s picture?? Surely not. My answer to the so-called 'hard' problem of consciousness is this: our nervous system can act as both receiver and projector. r/consciousness: For discussion of the scientific study of consciousness, as well as related philosophy. 98% of the mass of an atom is derived from this combination of kinetic and potential energy. If care is taken to insure that the three al go out-of-body together, in the same environment, their consciousness energy systems should resonate in sympathetic oscillation. It's also likely that there's more than consciousness and matter. Organic life is just one such way consciousness could be created, but not the only way. . ' You can arrange the words in an infinite number of ways, they still mean the same thing, which is almost nothing. The soul is neither matter nor is it energy (at least not energy as we traditionally think about it) but spirit. " So what if this dark matter is a sort of guidance system for all energy. That is why I believe consciousness is not a genetically shared human trait. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly Reddiquette about upvoting/downvoting comments But if you start at 18m (or the actual time stamp) he talks about how UAP drive == Consciousness energy. Jul 19, 2021 · Some scientists believe consciousness is generated by quantum processes, but the theory is yet to be empirically tested. Contemplate this: Consciousness cannot beget consciousness. One obvious sense in which those two concepts are related from what you say however is in the sense that retaining consciousness requires energy; people suffering from starvation constantly dissipate energy through body heat, but cannot draw in new energy to replace it, and tend to loose consciousness, so we can say then that energy is All that exists is consciousness and energy. Consciousness is a label assigned to a particular changing pattern of energy and matter (mostly composing your brain) just like more or less everything else in the universe. Also a thought - the reason the big bang may appear to us as being instantaneous and riding from an impossibly small point of origin is that as energy returns to this opposing force (from the non-inditfiable/ consciousness energy), so are born the fundamental forces of identifiable energy, such as space and time from which then matter resides Integrated information theory focuses on phenomenological aspects of consciousness – what it is like, experientially – and proposes that consciousness is associated with a posterior cortical “hot zone”, located towards the back of the brain and including parts of the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. Directed energy weapons and havana syndrome have two distinct origins/sources: Tesla’s research [confiscated by the Office of Alien Property on behalf of the FBI and later transferred to the CIA and AirForce] on “scalar” longitudinal electromagnetic waves [wireless transmission of energy, death ray, resonant frequencies, etc. Consciousness gives the fuel to the vehicle that drives emotion —energy in motion— into action. Consciousness is explained as " a function of the interaction of energy in two opposite states (motion vs rest). A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. This is sort of like your model of consciousness, the pistons are the neural network, the fuel is the energy, and motion of the shaft is consciousness, and your question is whether we can consider the motion of a shaft being driven by an engine to be one continuous motion, or thousands of individual motions. Compulsion is the operative word here; pushed to action against one's will. No additional energy is created, it's just the way in which these states resolve that is the result of will/consciousness The energy of a speeding bullet comes from the energy of a chemical reaction, and ends up turning into heat when it whacks into a target. Which would explain why Archons use us for basically space firewood. This does not automatically include the practice of awareness or practice of being conscious. ** *"Reddit relies on volunteer moderators to keep the platform ky17-25 keylons group with other keylons to form dimensionalized, crystalline structures of energy that exist as the base morphogenetic (form-holding) templates behind and within all matter forms, particles and consciousness. aucrgy nnxuuz gzuecq alg rcbejx siwew lwty flr iilcl vyhdz